I believe in not only providing exceptional orthopaedic foot and ankle care but also in being an active and caring member of our community. That’s why I am thrilled to support the Saffron Walden Round Table by sponsorship of their exciting upcoming event.

Supporting Our Community:

Supporting Saffron Walden Round Table supports their efforts to create memorable experiences for the local community.

About Saffron Walden Round Table:

Saffron Walden Round Table is an organisation with a simple mission; to raise money to support local charities, individuals and other good causes. They manage this by putting on events for the local community to enjoy. Most of all they are a group of likeminded individuals who have a laugh and enjoy #MakingADifference

Our Sponsorship:

As an orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon, I understand the importance of mobility and comfort in our daily lives. We are delighted to sponsor the Saffron Walden Round Table event, which promises an unforgettable evening of fireworks and celebration. Our sponsorship reflects our dedication to ensuring that our community can enjoy these moments without any foot or ankle discomfort.

Join Us for the Fireworks Spectacular:

We invite all our patients and community members to join us for this spectacular event. Here are the details:

This promises to be a night filled with excitement, laughter, and awe-inspiring fireworks displays. We can’t wait to see you there!


I am not only dedicated to your foot and ankle health but also to building a strong, vibrant community. We are excited about our partnership with the Saffron Walden Round Table and look forward to sharing this fantastic evening with you. Join us for the fireworks spectacular, and let’s celebrate together!


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